Benefits of Having a Trusted Local Insurance Broker
Owning a restaurant can be a joy to many owners because they do what they love which is cooking, and have an opportunity to make profits at the same time. Just like any other business, food businesses are exposed to many risks and uncertainties. Risks may vary depending on the asset type but may include: […]
Making Local Mainstream is the Next Step
What I enjoy most at the events are the question and answer sessions and these highlighted for me the big issues for local food in Canada today. At Toronto’s Culinarium, where we had a book club-style meeting with fabulous food to eat, the big question was how to take local food to the mainstream. The Culinarium […]
Happy Chickens Make Happy Eggs
The common wisdom in the local food movement is that eggs collected from happy chickens–happy because they have the chance to peck at the green grass, eat grubs, and breathe fresh air–are better. Their deep yellow yolks look better and taste more creamy, less sulphurous–better. And that these chickens are not only happier, but healthier. I […]
Exotic Indian Reds, All the Way From Ontario
Here’s my latest piece from Maclean’s about Canadian farmers who are starting to grow tropical crops in our Nordic climate. -SE Jason Verkaik’s family has been pulling carrots from the same brown earth in Ontario’s Holland Marsh for three generations. However, these days the carrots are changing. Some of the thick, orange spears of his […]
Urban Hives Make Better Honey
There is something incongruous about urban bees. The idea of tending to a community of non-human life—a bee city—amid the skyscrapers, the traffic, the bustle, and the pollution of the modern metropolis is truly amazing. I think, at least in part, it explains the rapid and growing interest in keeping bees today. But urban beehives […]